Package-level declarations
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Exceptions related to the digital invoice used in the return assistant feature.
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public class DigitalInvoiceFragment extends Fragment implements DigitalInvoiceScreenContract.View, DigitalInvoiceFragmentInterface, LineItemsAdapterListener
The returned extractions in the DigitalInvoiceFragmentListener.onPayInvoice() are updated to include the user's modifications:
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Public API of the DigitalInvoiceFragment.
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Interface used by the DigitalInvoiceFragment to dispatch events to the hosting Activity.
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The LineItem
class contains information from a line item extraction.
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It checks that the compound extractions contain valid line items which can be used to show the return assistant.
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The SelectableLineItem
wrapps a LineItem and adds the possibility to select/deselect it and also add a reason why it's deselected.